Masco HQ Participates in Life Remodeled 2022 Six Day Project
Last week, a dozen Masco HQ employees rolled up their sleeves and got to work along with thousands of other community volunteers as part of nonprofit Life Remodeled’s annual Six Day Project.
Each year, Life Remodeled’s Six Day Project brings together thousands of volunteers from Michigan businesses, churches, and other organizations to clear blight, board up vacant properties, and beautify blocks, focusing on one neighborhood in Detroit at a time. This year, the project ran from October 3-8 and served the community surrounding the vacant Cooley High School, in an approximately 4.5-square mile area. In addition to mowing and trimming overgrown brush and weeds, the 2022 project provided some residents with small projects to enhance curb appeal, from delivering potted plants to painting house numbers on curbs.
Volunteers from Masco HQ helped pot and deliver mums to neighbors and worked together to remove brush on the school grounds. “After being isolated during the pandemic for so long, it’s great to be back out serving the community with my colleagues,” said Rick Munson, Director of the Masco Service Center. “Volunteering is in our company’s DNA—it’s part of what makes us who we are at Masco. We believe in giving back, and Life Remodeled offers a great way for us to do that together.”