Masco In The Community

Future Engineers Tour Mercury Plastics

This summer, Mercury Plastics continued its support for University of Akron programs aimed at increasing minority enrollment in their engineering school. In June, the university’s Women in Engineering Program (WIEP) hosted a week-long Summer Experience in Engineering Camp for 23 students entering grades 9-12. From…

Behr Attends WISEPlace Groundbreaking


In June, members of the Behr Paint team proudly attended the groundbreaking ceremony for their philanthropy partner and Santa Ana, CA, neighbor WISEPlace. This historical landmark renovation and expansion building project will provide its 47 women residents with both permanent supportive housing and wrap-around services…

Masco Employees Participate in “Big Give Back” Event


Last week, members of our corporate HR team volunteered at a local children’s home during the MCHS Family of Services’ “Big Give Back” event, presented by Masco. Meeting in Redford, MI, to prepare garden beds; pull weeds; and plant Hosta, lavender, and other perennials, the…