Kichler Supports Regional Coalition for the Homeless
In 2022, our Kichler Lighting team continued their support for the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless (NEOCH), a nonprofit that seeks to eliminate the root causes of homelessness while simultaneously supporting through organizing, advocacy, education and street outreach.
Kichler’s 2022 support focused on NEOCH’s street outreach program, specifically to provide case management and emergency overnight shelter for vulnerable LGBTQ youth and pregnant persons at safe houses and hotels. Additionally, Kichler support helped fund the crucial position of NEOCH’s LGBTQ and Youth engagement specialist, who was able to assist 21 people in becoming permanently housed and assist 39 people in completing the housing application process.
NEOCH’s street outreach team works from their cars, in downtown areas, at camps, or anywhere else they find unsheltered people, helping folks navigate complex social services systems so they can obtain needed resources like birth certificates, IDs, social security cards, SNAP benefits, camping supplies, mental and health services, transitional housing, and permanent housing. To learn more about NEOCH, visit